
My Personal Testimony for CardioforLife

My Journey to Finding CardioForLife.

My search started when a fellow Vietnam Veteran send me
a video about preventing a Sudden Heart Attack.

The video featured Doctor Louis Ignarro PhD
He was co-recipient of the 1998 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Robert F. Furchgott and Ferid Murad for demonstrating the signaling properties of nitric oxide.

The video was 36 minutes long, I watched the entire video and was
totally intrigued on the research on arginine

The video explained
The best use of arginine was for 5000MG of arginine,
but there wasn't info on
where to find this amount of arginine.

I started using a arginine product in November 2009
I opted to use the unsweetened product because of being a Type 2 Diabetic.

The results for me took 6 weeks until I noticed a change in
my blood pressure readings.
The taste was unpleasant taking it "straight" ...very hard to use.
The best way I found was to use this other product was with unsweetened
Grape juice.

I searched for a pleasant tasting, affordable and potent Arginine formula,
one that would have other ingredients such as:
1. L'Citrulline
2.B Vitamins
3. Resveratrol
and other important ingredients (Click Here for the list)


6 months ago I was referred to the Cardio For Life product.
My My....for me this was the most delicious tasting, most potent
product on the market.
I was rewarded with quick
results by using this premier product on the market.

Try it for yourself, no risk because of their guarantee.
Free shipping when ordering 3 canisters at a time.

Leonard MonteLeone
952-368-7063 (Central)